So, I've heard of talking in your sleep. Snoring is normal. Sleep walking is pretty common too. But damn, my sister created her own genre of sleep disorders on her 21st birthday last week when she came down with a little something - a new condition I shall dub
"Sleep-Vomiting". Wow, I really just made up that term right now.
It was her goal to down 21 shots that night.
After the 12th, she started to feel a little lightheaded, so she decided to lay down for a couple minutes. Needless to say, that was a BIG MISTAKE!
Never lie down after 8 or more shots, people! You've been warned.
I don't know if you have ever had the pleasure to witness someone throw up in their sleep, but I can tell you from first hand experience, it is one AWESOME spectacle. Haley's comet? Ehhh. A solar eclipse? BORING! Seeing a mother deer with its' young fawn calmly drink water from a babbling brook? Been there, done that, googled it and everything.
You have not truly experienced joy until you've seen a loved one hurl from a dormant state! And the funny thing is, there's not a damn thing you can do about it . . . except, laugh uncontrollably like you're Tickle-Me-Elmo on speed and 42 cups of coffee.
It's not like I could help her anyway. There were
juicy chunks of mexican food on her jacket, shirt, and hair. It's just not sanitary. I could get hepatitis or something.
That stuff stinks, too. Goodness gracious. Happy birthday sis!