
The Porn Star that Could

"My way of joking is to tell the truth - It is the funniest joke in the world"
- George Bernard Shaw

You know, sometimes the weirdest and most random stuff happens to me. The following story may sound too crazy or unbelievable to be true, but seriously, it really happened.

I'm just going to come out and say it. A couple months ago I was asked to appear in a porno. Yeah, me. Random, huh? I won't go into the details of who asked me and why they asked me, but just believe me when I say it really happened. Hey, I was just as shocked as you are right now!

I would have been paid $2000 for a day's work to do the nasty dance with a well known porn star.

I was flattered but declined for obvious reasons. That is all. No jokes here. I'm not even going to explore the ramifications, the social stigma, or the moral implications of such an event.

Actually, I REALLY want to bust out a joke right now but I'm trying really hard not to . . .

Just thought I'd share. The fact that this opportunity was presented to me is freakin' hilarious in itself. Life's funny sometimes, ain't it?

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