I'm PISSED! How can you give me a toy sword -- without the matching shield?

Stop looking at my ass.
My teacher would be like, "Ok, what does C-A-T spell?"
"That's cat, bitch. NEXT."
"Ok, how about M-O-L-E-C-U-L-E?"
After yawning, I returned with, "You bore me. A 'molecule' is an aggregate of two or more atoms in a definite arrangement held together by chemical bonds, DUH . . .
Look, if you're not going to take this seriously, I'm leaving. Sesame Street is on."
Since the 2004 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction," the NFL and CBS have put on seemingly safe artists from decades past. But critics groaned at ex-Beatle Paul McCartney’s out-of-touch tunes in 2005, and at the Rolling Stones’ elderly antics in 2006.
Looks like this will be the third year in a row where the NFL will have a gay halftime show.
Jenna Jameson Files For Divorce
Porn actress Jenna Jameson has filed for divorce from her husband, Justin Sterling. I recently interviewed Justin and asked him what he thought led to the filing of divorce.
He told me, "I guess it's just that she's so busy with work. We never see each other anymore."
I replied, "So the thousands of other penises that have been inside your wife have nothing to do with it?"
Once upon time, lovehandles were frowned upon.
Now, women everywhere are flaunting this trendy body part. I say, more power to you!
In my native tongue (filipino), we call this body part: Bil-bil.
Whenever I see a girl rockin' the new cleavage . . . it's UN-BIL-BIL-IEVABLE!
Larry: “Congratulations on your win, Manny.”
Manny: “Yeah, it was a good pight - my funches were berry good. I’d like to thank the Fresident of the Pill-a-ppines por preeing the slabes . . . and”
Larry: “Manny, I think that was Lincoln who freed the slaves.”
Manny: “One last thing Larry. I’d just like to say, Feter Fifer Ficked a Feck of Fickled Feffers. I’ve been learning tongue twisters in my English class. "Larry: “Wow.”
You know what’s cool about being Filipino?
Only Filipinos can say “f*ck” on tv and get away with it. The censors have no clue!
“Ahh, yes Larry, I really pucked him up. This mudder pucker can go puck himself!"
Roger: "For reals man, we gotta get serious about this stuff."
BJ: "I know. Ok, I'll go first."
Roger: "10 reps . . . nice form."
BJ: "My arms are killing me!"
Roger: "Alright. Now let's do back, then chest."
BJ: "Cool, your turn. Here's the soap."
"My way of joking is to tell the truth - It is the funniest joke in the world"- George Bernard Shaw
Roger: "Did you see if anyone is playing on the court?"
BJ: "I saw a couple guys there. Did you grab my ball?"
Roger: "Yeah, it's kinda dirty though."
BJ: "I know. Did you bring my basketball?"
Moments later . . .
BJ: "What do you want to workout later? Chest? Biceps? Triceps?
Roger: "Let's get sweaty. I wanna have a bi workout."
BJ: "Ok, but what bodypart do you want to work on?"
"Beej, where's my turkey burger, bitch?!"
-anonymous (actually I know who said it but I choose not to embarrass him/her)
"Brutally disgusting. Yuck."
Gunnage was at full strength (me, mike, roger, and ryan) at 24 hour fitness tonight. The 4 of us working out together is rarer than a lunar eclipse or a Kobe Bryant pass.
Anyway, we had an insane bicep workout, pushing the very limits of human potential.
We high fived each other in middle of the gym and yelled "GUNNAGE, BITCHES!!!!" with assorted "wooo's," "ohhh baby's," and "hellz yeahs" mixed in for good measure. People stared at us.
T'was great.
Current Weight: 154 (eww)
Weight June '05: 170